Why Clients Work with us?

Clients love working with us for 3 simple reasons.
1. Speed to market – We are located in Cleveland if the client has a new Product or promotion they don’t need to make a commercial, Billboard or radio ad to get the word out.
2. Cost effective – It cost our clients $0 to hire, train, develop employees. Blue Rose Group focuses on Hiring and working with great people and our clients can focus on their products or services.
3. Specialization – We focus on the most important thing in any business, Customers and what better way to do it then building a relationship with those customers.

What kind of sales & business development does this company do?

Face to Face
All new customers we generate for our clients are through one on one, in person.
We believe you can’t outsource a human, relationship-based sales brings our clients a better name, brand recognition and greater customer loyalty. Have people skills?! They’re a necessity here!

When can I start?

We are always excited for new talent and people who are self motivated to grow with a fast growing company so if we feel like you would be a great fit we will hire immediately!

Post Covid, What does business look like?

Buisness is great and we are on pace to double numbers from last year!
Clients are asking more from us and we are delivering them results!

We are located downtown Cleveland, Do I have to pay for parking?

We do not, Parking is absolutely Free. Yes you heard that right. Do we occasionally park at the office and walk to the games you bet we do!

How will I get paid ?

Great question! Here at Blue Rose Group, we pay our employees weekly. We have two pay structures that we offer all employees.
Option 1 would be Full Performance earning 100% of all their sales made plus Bonuses on top. With no cap meaning you control your paycheck!
Option 2 Would be a base of $400 + Bonuses

Can I start with the company as a manager?

No, Here’s why.
We believe that the best coaches are former players. To us, that means that at Blue Rose Group everyone who’s in a leadership role has walked your shoes and has experience in any problem you might face. Promotions are all based on your performance through our company.

Is experience needed for this position?

Yes & No.
We love to see people who have great people skills, communication skills, and a great attitude. Sales knowledge can be learned!


Yes we offer travel opportunities which are optional to travel to network and for conferences, Places we have been are anywhere from LA to NY. Everything is paid for except for coffee thats on you!